Statistics In Oracle
In this post I'll try to summarize all sorts of statistics in Oracle, I strongly recommend reading the full article, as it contains information you may find it valuable in understanding Oracle statistics. ################################ Database | Schema | Table | Index Statistics ################################ Gather Database Stats: =================== SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS( ESTIMATE_PERCENT=>100,METHOD_OPT=>'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE SKEWONLY', CASCADE => TRUE, degree => 4, OPTIONS => 'GATHER STALE', GATHER_SYS => TRUE, STATTAB => PROD_STATS); CASCADE => TRUE :Gather statistics on the indexes as well. If not used Oracle will determine whether to collected or not. DEGREE => 4 :Degree of parallelism. options: =>'GATHER' :Gathers statistics on...